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3:1  And because we did not resist, we chose to remain in Athens by ourselves,
3:2  And we sent Timotheus our brother to you, a Minister of God and our helper in The Good News of The Messiah, that he might strengthen you and inquire of you concerning your faith,
3:3  Lest any of you should lose hope by such sufferings, for you are aware that we are appointed to this.
3:4  For also when we were with you, we said to you before that we would be persecuted, just as you know it happened.
3:5  Because of this I also did not resist until I sent to know your faith, lest the tempter would tempt you and our labor would be worthless.
3:6  But now since Timotheus has come to us from your midst and he gave us good news concerning your faith and about your love, and that you have a good commemoration of us in every place and you desire to see us, just as we also do you,
3:7  Therefore we were comforted by you, brethren, concerning all our adversities and in our afflictions, because of your faith.
3:8  And now we live, if you will abide in Our Lord.
3:9  For what thanks can we pay on your behalf to God, for every joy with which we rejoice because of you,
3:10  Except that before God, we pray all the more earnestly, night and day, to see your faces, and perfect whatever is lacking in your faith?
3:11  But God Our Father and our Lord Yeshua The Messiah shall direct our way to you,
3:12  And may he multiply and increase your love one toward another, and that to every person, just as we love you,
3:13  And establish your hearts without a fault in holiness before God Our Father at the arrival of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah with all of his Holy Ones.